Monday, July 7, 2008

New BMW 7 Series - Human Detecting Night Vision

The contest between BMW 7-Series and Mercedes' S-Class is always very much exciting for the car industry, every 5-7 years or so, the world gets to witness the threshold of applicable technology in automotive engineering being pushed further.

Anti Brake-lock System, Airbags, Active Steering, Active Body Control, Hydro Pneumatic Suspensions, Cruise Control, Active Cruise Control (Not only cruises, but impossible to crash into vehicle in front as they'll brake by themselves), Self Parking Assistance, 7 Speed Automatic Gearbox are just some of the technologies spawned from the constant battle of these two flagships.

With the previous generation 7 Series, Night Vision was implemented, however using thermo sensors which wasn't very viewer friendly, and S-Class uses military grade night vision cameras, this time around 7 Series utilizes a night vision sensor coupled with software that enables the on board computer to judge whether it's a human being.

Let's just hope they'll be able to integrate Flux Capacitors and Teleportation gadgets in the near future.

Watch the video below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good technology...
Can safe our beautiful car n heart attack from damn things:
motorcycle without rear light, ppl who's walk at middle road, lembu(cow) sleep at road, identify ghost n human(kidding)... etc.

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