Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Love your SatNav Touch Screen DVDs? The thieves too!

This, is a common sight in many cars nowadays, touch screens, DVD players, GPS; some even hooks up to Playstations.

The problem is, many have them, many still wants them and it's a popular sight where windows were smashed and the entire console yanked out just for the head unit, which probably might cost $500, but the entire carnage costs around $1500 or more to fix.

Manufacturers then came out with detachable face plate for head units, which proofs of little deterrence in fighting of such crimes.

Here's a few interesting way:

A fake out 'already-being-stolen' look.

Stock look

Remove stock unit

Remove faceplate

Trim all points that jot up and apply velcro

Cut half a cassette to resemble the jotting out part of normal cassette players and glue it to the faceplate

Figure out the correct measurement for velcro

Begin apply velcro

Trim the velcro to match the edges

Attached the stock faceplate to your new unstealable stereo head unit!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is why we need tint our windows 100% - ly.

BTW, does anyone know if there is really this detector that can detect laptops, ipod etc that we leave in our car?

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