Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Biofuel - Responsible for 75% increase in food prices

World Bank had announced that the usage and adaptation of the highly hyped Bio Fuel a few years ago, was directly responsible for 75% of the increase in the price we pay for our food.

When this concept was first spoken about (Refer to picture above), the concept was simple, and rather easily accepted. Everything that uses petroleum for combustion, will emit Carbon Dioxide, with which coupled with photosynthesis, is the primary source of 'food' intake for any plantations, be it forests, corns, wheats and so on.

By utilizing these crops as an alternative fuel source, we 'would suppose' to be able to rely less on fossil fuel, since planting crops are a relatively easy and un-diminishable source, we could help sustain the Earth, and yet balancing our lifestyles along.

Seems pretty good, until it became so highly hyped about that entire pieces of forests was cleared to make way for corns, wheats that could be easily turned into Bio Fuel; rendering the very food that we took daily to be used in making cars run.

To put into perspective, if entire forests, crops, any sort of plantations in USA were to be converted into Bio Fuel, it would only amount to 7% of USA's annual fossil fuel usage.

Rendering it impossible to cope with the demands, and since it's more profitable to sell it as Bio Fuel than food, farmers were more willing to give up their crops for burning than digesting; pushing up the prices of food, resulting in millions of poor people being pushed into famine because they could no longer afford their basic neccessities.

Some thoughts needed eh?